Cluck Off Tegel
In 2018, we teamed up with a rural community and local iwi to stop Tegel’s plans to build a mega meat chicken farm in Kaipara. We worked with Kaipara locals and members of the Kāpehu marae to call on Northland Regional and Kaipara District councils to decline Tegel’s resource consent. Once again we held numerous peaceful protests, gained lots of media coverage, lobbied politicians and ran a petition to the councils.
We also investigated a Tegel farm in Helensville obtaining footage of chickens crammed in awful conditions, some crippled and with injuries. We managed to rescue a small chick with large, open wounds during this investigation. We called her Peep. We sought veterinary treatment for Peep and she lived a few, short but wonderful weeks at a sanctuary where she passed away peacefully following complications with her wounds.
The footage of the Tegel farm where Peep came from was damning, garnering national media attention about Tegel’s plans to build a mega farm and their terrible animal welfare standards. Shortly after this exposure, central government stepped in and stopped the farm from being built. We celebrated with the Kaipara locals and members of the Kāpehu marae!