Ahead of our Waikato Rodeo protest at Kihikihi Domain, we wrote to Waipā District Council Mayor Susan O'Regan calling on her to no longer allow rodeo at the council-owned domain.
Please join our peaceful protest on Saturday 17 February, 1-2pm. Find out more at our Facebook event.
This is our letter to Mayor O'Regan:
2 February 2024
To: Mayor Susan O'Regan, Waipā District Council
CC: Ange Holt, Brad Ward
From: Direct Animal Action
Kia ora Mayor O'Regan,
Regarding the Waikato Rodeo at Kihikihi Domain.
Every summer, countless animals are subjected to fear, stress, risk of injury and death – all for the sake of ‘entertainment.’ Many New Zealanders are unaware that around 30 rodeo events occur every summer across the country.
Rodeos are condemned both in New Zealand and internationally by veterinarians, animal welfare agencies and ex-rodeo riders. A number of countries have banned the practice, and specific events such as calf roping and steer wrestling are outlawed on the grounds that they are cruel.
The animals are stressed and frightened, unaware that it’s ‘just for entertainment.’ Animals can sustain injuries such as torn ligaments, broken bones, bruising and internal damage. Every rodeo season, animals are injured and killed in rodeo events across the country. There are no public records on the number of animals killed and injured in rodeo training sessions.
In 2018, the New Zealand Animal Law Association found rodeo to be illegal: Rodeos breach Animal Welfare Act, report finds | RNZ News
The National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (NAWAC) said it will bring forward a review of the Code of Welfare for Rodeo following the legal challenge of rodeo by the New Zealand Animal Law Association and SAFE.
NAWAC are talking about removing the worst aspects of rodeo, including spurring, flank strapping, calf roping, bull riding and steer wrestling.
Direct Animal Action (DAA) is an animal advocacy organisation campaigning for the rights of animals in New Zealand. We have been campaigning for an end to rodeo since 2015. Our campaign has involved holding peaceful protests outside the Waikato Rodeo at Kihikihi Domain. Please visit our website to learn more about us: Latest News | Direct Animal Action
We are calling for the Waipā District Council to no longer allow the Waikato Rodeo, or any rodeo events, to take place at Kihikihi Domain or any other council land. We are calling on your council to replace the rodeo event with something more suited to the needs of the community and the values of the council. Country fairs, farmers markets and food festivals would be welcomed by the community, along with a more diverse range of reputable sports and recreational activities.
We are calling for the Waipā District Council to take into consideration the overwhelming evidence that the tide of public opinion is turning against rodeo as evidenced by public polls, petitions, extensive media coverage and increasing public debate in our country and internationally.
Please take into consideration the following reasons to no longer allow rodeo at Kihikihi Domain and other council managed land:
Rodeo animals are subjected to fear, stress, risk of injury and death – all for the sake of ‘entertainment.’
Animals do not naturally buck without the aid of mechanisms such as spurs and flank straps. Watching animals agitated by these mechanisms, and subjected to harassment, is not suitable family entertainment and normalizes tormenting animals as entertainment for children.
Animals are injured and killed every rodeo season in New Zealand. There are no public records on the number of animals killed and injured in rodeo training sessions. No accountability is taken by rodeo clubs.
The council needs to replace rodeo with events that are more aligned with your values and the values of a progressive community as evidenced by the many public polls, petitions and negative media coverage about rodeo.
There is a need for a greater diversity of community events, reputable sporting and recreational activities at Kihikihi Domain which is not currently being met.
The council needs to disassociate itself from an event that is denounced by the NZ SPCA and other animal welfare groups.
Direct Animal Action will hold a peaceful protest outside the Waikato Rodeo on Saturday 17 February at Kihikihi Domain.
We look forward to your response to our concerns and requests.
Ngā mihi,
Shelley Knight
Direct Animal Action
