Anti-rodeo protesters will gather at the Warkworth Rodeo on New Year’s Day for the ninth year in a row.
Animal advocacy organisation Direct Animal Action (DAA) are coordinating the protest. Previous protests organised by DAA have seen up to 100 people attend in support of a ban on rodeo.
Apollo Taito, spokesperson for DAA, says the group will be encouraging people not to attend the Warkworth Rodeo.
“We’ve been protesting at the Warkworth Rodeo, and other rodeos across the country, for approaching a decade now. Enough is enough.
"We asked the Rodney Local Board not to approve the event permit for the rodeo this year. There is so much opposition to rodeo these days, it's a really bad look for the local board and Auckland Council to have it happening on council land.
"We're disappointed in the local board and the council for granting the permit and allowing the rodeo to go ahead on council land once again. Especially considering the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board recently made the progressive decision to get rid of the greyhound racing track at Manukau Sports Bowl and replace it with an athletics track. This shows that where there's a will there's a way.
“We've also got a new government after people voted for change. We hope this change of direction for our country will mean positive outcomes for animals used in rodeo.
“The National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (NAWAC) said they are bringing forward a review of the Code of Welfare for Rodeo following a legal challenge of rodeo in the High Court by SAFE and the New Zealand Animal Law Association.
“NAWAC are talking about removing the worst aspects of rodeo, including spurring, flank strapping, calf roping, bull riding and steer wrestling.
“If NAWAC followed through on this, it would effectively see the end of rodeo in our country, including at Warkworth. It can’t happen soon enough.
“Every year, young calves, bulls and horses are bullied, abused and killed by so-called cowboys, all for the entertainment of a minority.
“There’s no place for rodeo in modern Aotearoa New Zealand,” said Mr Taito.
The Warkworth Rodeo protest will happen at 11am on Monday 01 January 2024 at the entrance to the Warkworth Showgrounds.
